Collectif Zope-Plone book download

Collectif  Zope-Plone Ayeva K., Deckmyn O., Grizel P., Rider M.

Ayeva K., Deckmyn O., Grizel P., Rider M.

Download Collectif Zope-Plone

A new and very promising way of theming Plone . Plone Theming or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love . It only gives you a base WTFormView class (a Zope 3 view that easily integrated you form in the Plone layout) and a . Deliverance / Collective . collective .recaptcha — Open Source Content Management SoftwareWraps the recaptcha-client library to provide a drop-in replacement for collective .captcha. Sublime Text 2 for Zope and Plone . News Item Developing with Plone 3 - borg.localrole and borg.project · News Item The rumours are true - a book about Plone 3! . My Social Stories Book. Keul Blog: Approaching automated images optimization in Plone Problems of the approach. I ;m confident there ;s a right way to do this, and I ;m pretty sure it ;s central to the whole adapter/interface mechanism, but I just can ;t find it in any of the books . Download Collectif Zope - Plone Author: Ayeva K., Deckmyn O., Grizel P., Rider M. In buildout-based projects, I use collective .recipe.omelette to generate a parts/omelette directory that can serve as a Python path, and use this script to generate a suitable config file in a local buildout (just run mkcodeintel from the root of the buildout); For following along a Python debugging session in Sublime Text, I ;m using PdbSublimeTextSupport, a shameless ripoff of PdbTextMateSupport from Andi Zeidler and . Keul Blog: Form in Plone : a simple approach using collective .wtformsUsing collective .wtforms. Keul Blog: Views hits counter for videos in Plone However the idea to obtain this in Plone for collective .flowplayer persisted in my mind (another product in the set of "products that I want to develop someday and probably I will never do because I don ;t have time"). (see this excellent tutorial to get started ). The future of Plone theming lies in Deliverance / Collective .xdv and will be at the core of Plone 4 theming (so I ;m told). One of its most interesting features is that the act of users answering CAPTCHAs contributes to efforts to digitize books . Last year I published an overview of collective .xdv. . Recaptcha is a third-party CAPTCHA service provided by Carnegie Mellon University. . News Item collective .alias: A transparent alias for Plone · News Item . Sublime Text 2 for Zope and Plone — Martin AspeliThe rumours are true - a book about Plone 3! .

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